At long last! Our first summer camping trip of the season! Waiting for the skeeters to die down a bit.... Plus, Bend is so nice in the summer, don't really need to go anywhere else!
So, here is our campsite. I brought along my camera, with fully charged batteries, but ended up taking pix with my cell phone! I wanted to take pix of the trails we ran, and my phone is so much smaller and easier to carry. Thought I would figure out how to get those pix onto my computer once back home..... It took a bit of experiementing, plus a desperate email to a techie friend, but I finally got those pix uploaded!
Good thing for digital pictures, cuz I take an extraordinary number of pix of the poopies! the BTs! Rupert and Albert! I love those doggies! But, many of those pix end up never seen by anyone but me, cuz the images don't convey what I was trying to capture....And, really, everyone is nutso about their own doggies, but maybe not about others..... Really, though, aren't those puppies cute?! Bob is pretty cute, too!

The Upper River Rogue Trail! Awsome Possom! I started at the Crater Rim Viewpoint with Rupert, while Bob drove here, at the sign, parked, and began running up the trail with Albert. I definitely had the better deal, that is, if you like to descend! Bob gave me the keys when we passed, and we continued on our respective ways.... However, Bob did not want to leave me out of the fun, so on Friday, he dropped me off here, so I could experience the joy of the ascent! A climb of 1200 vertical feet! Actually, I think I felt better after Friday's run, going up, than I did after Tuesday's run, going down!

On both runs, I did stop to take pix... This one is taken just a few hundred yards past the sign above.... Such a treat. The trail starts out nicely maintained. Lots of blowdown from the winter, but Bob had read that this year the trail had been cleared a bit more than last year. Yea, it is a bit clearer than last, but still enough obstacles to make it interesting.... and slow going. That can be a good thing, for then I can truly enjoy the scenery!

The cleared trail! Lots of downed trees! This part is still early in the run/trail.... deep in the run, trees do block the trail. Some serious scrambling. Makes it fun, and honestly, a nice break! See Rupert?! Great training companion! Great athlete! He is the endurance runner, whereas Albert is more of a sprinter...

Trail obstacle! and a hint of my thumb. Over or under?! This is in the woods, nearer the river.....

Water crossing! And, a place for the poopies to soak and get a drink! But, don't stop for long, cuz the skeeters find ya!

Gotta love it! This is what makes this trail so fun! The variety! Never a dull moment.... no chance to get into the zone, cuz you gotta be
present, watching every foot fall. Although, random thoughts throughout the journey, like, golly, why aren't there more folks out here enjoying this trail, then the next moment, hey, I love this solitude, and don't want this trail ever to get
too popular!

The river! The trail hugs the river for a while.... I am not good at guessing distances, hmm, maybe a mile or two, or perhaps three, four? I break up this run into 3 basic sections: the upper part, along the river, forest to trailhead/sign. It feels different every time, well, at least the 3 times I have run it. Another beautiful aspect of trail running....a new experience every time!

The Falls! Don't remember its name, but can ya see it on the sign there, on the tree? I didn't take the little detour to see the falls up close, cuz this is about halfway through the run, and am a bit tired.... going both ways! Going up, this part is deceiving, for it flattens a bit before the real climb. I take baby steps, trying to keep a quick turnover, but the steep incline, and my heaving breath, slows me to a hike. Plus, lots of debris on the trail make it tough... the twigs, branches, rocks act like rollers beneath my feet!

The waterfall! I think....

View of the river from above.

Stunning views... whew, that erosion is steep! Rupert kept wanting to chase chipmunks down the bank... I was afraid his momentum would carry him all the way down. Thankfully, he obeys voice command, and would always come back when I called!
More blowdown along the trail. This is the upper part of the trail.... great running, both coming and going! Going - cuz it is early in the run with a clear trail, enough obstacles and serpentines to keep it interesting, all with a gentle descent, and coming the other way its great - cuz the end is near!

Rupert is happy to be running, too! This was my descent run on Tuesday, for when I came the other way on Friday, I opted not to have doggie company. The doggies are great athletes, but even they deserve some time off.
Friday, Bob dropped me off at the trailhead at Hamaker campground, then drove back to camp to pack up. He drove back to pick me up about 2 and a half hours later! I was finished the run when he arrived....I ran the 9.5 m. trail in 2:16. Not a fast time, nor is it a fast trail....
cuz The JOY is in the JOURNEY!
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